Currently available for freelance and full-time roles in the experiential media space!
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Jason Webb

Two-part mold generator and casting tests

Consumer-level FDM 3D printers have all sorts of uses, but they also have a couple disadvantages. They can take a while to print things, and the print time per object is the same whether you want one copy or a thousand, which makes scaling tricky. They also consume lots of plastic, which may not always be the right material for a project.

If you could instead produce molds of the object you want, you could rapidly cast lots of copies using a wider range of materials like silicone, gelatin, resin, or ice. But designing molds can be hard, depending on your skills and level of access to 3D design software. Which is where this script comes in handy.

I created this script for OpenSCAD that takes a 3D model of the object you want to copy, then builds a two-part mold around it, ready for 3D printing. It automatically adds a pour hole and registration marks so the halves fit together correctly.