Currently available for freelance and full-time roles in the experiential media space!
Work with me
Jason Webb

Hi, I'm Jason! I'm a creative technologist and UI developer living in Minneapolis, MN. Professionally I mainly focus on two areas: (1) building interactive web experiences and (2) helping artists and museums bring their ideas to life using tools like digital fabrication and creative coding.

Personally I am deeply interested in the dynamic systems and processes in nature that create the beautiful forms and patterns all around us. Using tools like computational design, simulation, digital fabrication, and electronics, I love to explore these fundamental mechanisms and share what I learn with others.

Outside of work I can often be found in a community ceramics studio working on a sculpture, tending to my houseplants and planted nanotank collection, volunteering with local citizen science groups, or enjoying the endless parks, trails, and rivers of Minnesota by biking, fly fishing, and rockhounding.

Here are a few of my favorite projects and collaborations: