SuperformulaSVG – a vector-based 2D line-art generator for web
SuperformulaSVG is an interactive generative art web application that makes it easy to create and discover interesting shapes using the 2D superformula, with the ability to export both SVGs and raster images for use with plotters, laser cutters, and more.
In Discover mode, interesting forms can be found serendipitously through a guided randomization process. Each variable of the superformula equation is randomized within a min/max range defined by the user in the UI. Grids of multiple results can be generated quickly, allowing users to identify and navigate towards areas of the parameter space that interest them.
When more precise control is needed, a Tune mode is also available that lets users set exact values for each parameter to shape a single form in a more intentional way
The app was built with Paper.js, dat.gui, Animate.css, and vanilla ES5 JavaScript. It was deployed with Github Pages.