SuperformulaSVG – a vector-based 2D line-art generator for web
SuperformulaSVG is an interactive generative art web application that makes it easy to create and discover interesting shapes using the 2D superformula, with the ability to export both SVGs and raster images for use with plotters, laser cutters, and more.
In contrast to more utilitarian interactive apps, SuperformulaSVG enables a more playful process of ‘stumbling’ upon interesting regions of the global parameter space by letting users define the maximum and minimum values for each parameter and letting the app generate randomized shapes within those ranges.
For those times when more control is needed, a real-time ‘tuning’ mode is also included wherein users can directly manipulate the shape on the screen using a set of sliders.
Further instructions are available at any time inside the app by clicking the ‘?’ icon, as well as in the Github repository.
This application was built using Paper.js for vector-based drawing and exporting, dat.gui for the floating menu, Animate.css for pure CSS animations, and vanilla ES5 Javascript for all underlying logic. It was deployed via Github’s awesome Pages feature.